Tuesday, June 24, 2008


昨日,我学校发生一件远古的施政法--先斩后奏的事情。他们竟然自行选定时间,于2008年7月5日 (星期六)的下午的时间进行一年一度的家庭日。天啊!我们这一班教师竟然没有人懂得他们的决定。学校竟然变成了一个封建的社会,只有上司说话,没有下属的声音。竟然他们一个人都没有声音发出,他们竟然默默地接受这个苛刻的要求。所有公务员只是工作5天的时候,竟然老师要工作6天!今天,我发难了。我向我学校的第二副校长发了一顿脾气,因为他们真的可以做一些先斩后奏的事情。老师,很累啊!还是我的学校?还是我的校长?他,真的很霸道!今天,我向督学咨询了这件事情。她告诉我她将会和校方沟通。希望她讲到做到!! 人家说我很胆大,作出这些事情。反而,我认为他们(我的同事)如果只会默默耕耘、默默承受的话,我认为他们真得不能在私人界生存吧!因为都活在压力之中。加油!倩照!

Yesterday, my school management informed to all teachers for come to school on Saturday (5/7/08) for the Parents Day. God! No people know their decision. My school turned to be a forbidden community, because we live in an autocratic office. Some more, my colleagues no offend with it. They are unhappy but they are not decided to declare to the management. Today I declared to the management. I asked the officer from JPN (Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri). She said she will communicate with my headmaster. He is the one who is the autocratic leader. They said I am brave, but I think they are afraid of the management. That's why they live under the pressure. Keep it out! George!

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