Monday, October 6, 2008

What the!!!@@@??

I really don't know what happened to me once again? It's really terrible when I found my car had been crashed when I want to start my car to eat my dinner. I really disappointed with the people which crashed my car. I also don't know when it happened. When I rethink, maybe my car had been crashed during I parked my car when I need to teach tuition in the venue. I think maybe he/she need to go-a-stern her/his car and didn't realise my car was just beside his/her car. What the!!~@!@#~ I am so sad. This is my birthday present?! Haihz.. Good luck George!


♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

Owh...pity u...
Be patience ya?

Anonymous said...

nvm, man. just have ur days cary on like usual. live it up, man.
u know, now our soiety r getting more n more irresponsible n uneducated even if they drive merz o bmw.
just b urself, pray for their ENLIGHTENMENT. cheers.

Anonymous said...

dont so sad lar~~~it already happend