Monday, April 5, 2010

Qing Ming Jie (Chinese Souls' Day)

I went back to my hometown on last Saturday. We went to my grandpa's and grandma's grave. They were R.I.P together in the same grave. I climbed carefully up to the hill, it's difficult to climb, I used to slip down cause it's wet and slippery. From the poem, "清明时节雨纷纷, 路上行人欲断魂; 借问酒家何处有, 牧童遥指杏花村。" Raining season during the Chinese Souls' Day.

Luckily they built some stairs on the wet and the most slippery place. I can climb up easily this year. Every year the same, my parents used to quarrel, maybe they are too long in a relationship. They used to marry for 31 years.

My car was so dirty. Fortunately, there was a car washing shop. Hahaha..

Today, I missed to pray and moan in front of my mother's fathers and mother. Because I was sick last night. I sat at house for the whole morning. I set the question paper. Kekekeke.. Quite difficult.. haha

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